The Model:
The training model employed in core / cultural change work is systemic. It recognises that organisations and people are organic – not machines. Organisations are therefore rife with dynamic complexity as opposed to detail complexity. There is a connectedness in all aspects of any organic system and to attain a unity of purpose and energy (all parts working together optimally) is to strive not for equilibrium (a static notion) but for a dynamic balance of growth, consolidation and unending change. To achieve this we employ the ARC model (as developed by the presenter, David Dangerfield Sensei) where strategies are employed along a continuum and include reactive, responsive and creative levels of intervention.
Applying the Model:
The training, as indicated, has a high “Physical” component duplicating the style associated with sustainable core learning (e.g. Walking, Bike riding, Speech etc.) These are skills which become natural, instinctive and require no relearning as they are adopted at a “Cellular” level. Onus is placed on developing skills as a “Way of Being” rather than “Way of Doing”. This is achieved through activities sponsoring integrated information delivery and uptake. Concept (Mind), Action (Body) and Feeling (Spirit) are interwoven in the learning process.
The five key principles of Awareness, Balance, Timing, Power and Love are identified, explored and embodied by participants within the context of Service. This capital ‘S’ Service refers to the need for a person to fulfill their essential goodness on all levels – to become their ideal self and to maintain that state of being in all circumstances. This does not occur when a person attempts to be a great executive /manager / secretary / teacher / tradesperson without first learning to be a great person.