Strategic Visioning and Planning

“Greatness aims at targets others do not yet see…”                      David Dangerfield

In addition to the Leadership seminars, Strategic Living also offers a module in IMG_3712 - Copy - Copy - CopyIMG_3712 - Copy - CopyIMG_3712 - Copy - CopyVisioning and Planning. The Visioning and Planning workshops involve educational procedures practically empowering the organisation to become a “Self-educating Organisation”.

They are very much hands-on workshops with key stakeholders. In a controlled yet highly creative space, the participants (usually the senior leadership team) are encouraged to explore areas including…

  • Organisational purpose, mission and culture
  • Core Values and Competencies
  •  Key Focus areas
  •  Systems
  •  Branding & Marketing
  •  Information Management
  •  Policies and Procedures

Organisations and people tend to value most those who provide solutions to our various problems … and value least those who ask ‘difficult’ questions. Yet it is these very questions and the directions in which they lead us that can provide our deepest insights and most important growth. The word Organisation stems from “organic”. Like all things ‘organic’, an organisation is full of dynamic complexity (as opposed to the detail complexity inherent in machines.)

On a logical level we acknowledge the validity of a holistic approach when dealing with any challenge, yet few organisations follow the preventive model. Organisations are also complex systems, however because of our subjectivity there appears to be a lack of connection between the various parts of the system.  In an organisation the ill-effect from an action in one area may only ever be felt in another part of the system and remain uncommunicated or even unlinked to its source.

A human system is more than the sum of its parts and so is an organisation. We call this phenomenon “Synergy” and applaud it when it occurs. Despite this there are few organisations that have more than the most basic inkling of how to make it occur at will and as a natural process.

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